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Dokra Craft Dhokra Art Travels To London, Paris And Milan Fashion Stores!

Since time immemorial, Indians have associated particular tribal districts of Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh with the folk art of Dokra or Dhokra. Dokra craft is a type of metal craft falling under the genre of brassware handicrafts. And this humble Indian handicraft is now making its way to foreign shores and earning fame for itself on its own terms in the fashion stores of Paris, Milan and London.

Why has Dokra craft suddenly become so highly coveted?

The reasons for this are plenty. Dokra craft, just like any other type of Indian handicrafts, was dying a slow death. Even a few years back, it was difficult to find quality or even accomplished Dokra craftsmen and metal smiths.

The dearth or paucity of skilled labor resulted in dwindling supplies and the prices of the end products sky rocketed upwards. Naturally, the demand also went down because of the escalating prices. Even the designs and patterns on Dokra items had become outdated.

But there has been a turnaround for this industry, which was nothing short of a wonder. And this wonder has been brought about by latest and advanced technology, adoption of latest product designs and patterns and newness/innovation of motifs. The line of products has undergone sea change and there has been a sudden burst in manufacture of beautiful napkin rings, serving sets, good quality vases etc.

The proliferation of new design developments along with the latest technologies have enabled the Dokra craftsmen to bring out lines of Dokra products that are usable and which can be put to good use by clients in the contemporary world markets.

A new design artist called Mukul Goyal is helping out the Dokra craftsmen in their endeavor to develop altered and contemporary ranges of Dhokra art and Dokra craft. The Dokra craftsmen are also being helped by Mr. Goyal in the marketing of Dokra items in foreign markets. These people have together developed and brought out 10 new ranges or product lines.

Some of those items in the product lines are door handles, flower vases, napkin rings, lamps, food grade etc. There are however limitations to the art, as practiced by these Dokra craftsmen. All the Dokra art pieces are hand crafted, and so the finishing isnt of excellent quality. So, those Dokra products which have to be exported have to undergo detailing and final finishing by machines in some other place.


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