It might be a sign of the recent world economic recession, or simply another one of this year's trends, but minimalism is back and this is evident by the growing popularity of minimalist bathroom products, such as slimline shower trays. In the case of shower trays, instead of having large, imposing fixtures, many people are turning to smaller, more low profile shower trays, such as slimline shower tray. Slimline shower trays are ideal for most bathrooms as they are sleek, stylish, they complement other minimalist bathroom products perfectly, and they're most often as strong as standard shower trays. So, for bathrooms across the UK, "bling" is out, less is now more, and that means bulky, hard-edged shower enclosures are being replaced by smooth lines, wet room styled shower doors and shower trays. Slimline shower trays are being found in more minimalist bathrooms, where simplicity is the desired look. Slimline shower trays are perfect for the contemporary bathroom b...