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Follow The Fad Learn Italian Fashion

Fashion design is an applied art dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories created within the cultural and social influences of a specific time. Italian fashion had been playing a major role in the fashion world. This time lets not just fallow the fad, lets learn Italian fashion and its roots.

Italy and fashion have a very unique and special relationship. Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Armani, Gucci, Versace. All these names are Italians. All of them are famour designers known worldwide for their artistic creativity and contributions to the world of fashion designing.

During the twelfth century, Florence is known fore the Florentine feronnerie and in the fourteenth century, there was the success of the scarlati wools of Venice. Italian even boasts of the invention of eyeglasses or roidi. As early as 1300, Italy is already releasing licensed designer sunglasses worldwide.

Italians are responsible for the some of the most refined leather and fur craftsmanship of the twentieth century. Trussardi and Furla were both family companies founded in the early 1900s and promote the most beautiful leather goods in fashion. Fendi has been a longtime producer of pieced and dyed furs.

In 1920, the United States sawo the first hand made shoes of the first Italian luzury brand Salvatore Ferragamo. Among other exclusive fashion names are Valentino, Gianfranco Ferre, Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, Fendi, and Dolce & Gabbana. Gucci is the greatest- selling Italaian fashion brand, with worldwide sales of &7.158 billion dollars.

It was Count Giorgini who started the Italian fashion Craze in 1951. He organises a show to be presented to an interntional audience in Florence. Nobility would present the new collection against a backdrop of fine art or scenery. This contributed to the status of Italian fashion. This had put into the customers mind that Italian fashion is very rich in quality.

Milan made its mark as being the Fashion Capital of Italy in 1970s and 1980s. Italian brands are now universally recognized and regarded as high quality and high fashion. Fashion fairs in Milan are always considered to be an international and national event.

Italian fashion is not only available in Italy. There are great fashion houses that are very popular in most of the countries. But there are people who found branded Italian clothes are very much expensive for their pockets.

There are great shopping stores in Florence and in Rome near the Piazza di Spagna. There are also fabric stores and notions shops in Mercerie. Mercerie hosts a wide array of buttons, bindings, cords, and tassels.

Italian fashion has been a landmark for the fashion industry. Italian fashion is a representation of love, art and values of Italians. Education and of course, culture had greatly influenced the fashion scenario of the country. Italian fashion saw a big change during the sixties, dresses changed from a mere dress to something that was reflection of creation and design.

Italian fashion looks like a fairy tale. For Italians, fashion is an instrument of social redemption whereby class is determined by what one wears. Fashion is becoming a tool for confirming the social status. Italian fashion had evolved for a long time. It evolved from simple fur and leather products to immensely expensive and beautiful clothes.

Following the fad is just never enough. Knowing the brand and learning from its origins, it his matter, we learn about Italian fashion, helps us make right choices whether it is for family or for personal.


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