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Mma Gears - Fight Wears And Fashion Wears

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is one of the many sports that involve physical fight or combat but this sport involves a full contact combat that allows a wide array of fighting techniques; that is, a mixture of martial arts and non-martial arts skills. The use of both striking as well as grappling is permitted by the rules of the sport, irrespective of whether the competitors are standing or on the ground. It is known that modern mixed martial arts was first seen in Europe, Japan and other parts of the Pacific during early 19th century. The name mixed martial arts was coined 1995 by Rick Blume. From then on, the sport's popularity has increased up to the present time, rivaling boxing and wrestling.

It typically requires male fighters to wear appropriate MMA gear which often consists of MMA gloves and MMA shorts, usually with groin protector. This type of wear is often referred to as fight wear, which is very much different from MMA fashion wear, which includes MMA shirts, hoodies, jerseys, longsleeves, as well as head, wears like caps and hats.

The MMA gloves are open- fingered gloves which are also usually referred to as "grappling gloves". This MMA gear is specially designed to provide some protection to the person wearing the glove so that the fighter gets to throw stronger punches and other forms of attack without hurting the hands much but it leaves the fingers exposed for game- specific maneuvers such as wrestling and grappling, as in clinch- fighting wherein the competitor makes use of a clinch hold to prevent the opponent from running or moving away, while also attempting to attack the opponent using the knees, elbows, and fists.

MMA shorts also come in various types. It includes board shorts, shorts which go halfway from the thigh, shorts which are slightly down the thigh and lastly gladiator shorts which is characterized by slits in the sides of the legs. Examples of brands of MMA shorts include Venum, Metal Mulisha, TapouT, Sprawl, Silver Star, Jaco, Fight Gear and Warrior Wear. Several brands have also developed their own MMA apparel clothing including No Fear, and Ecko Unlimited.

MMA gear also includes groin protectors. Although groin kick is very much prohibited, it's still best to ensure that the groin is protected at all times to avoid unwanted damage. There's also the so-called mouth guards which serves to protect your gums and teeth to prevent undesirable injury which could result to serious tissue damage. Other MMA gear accessories are MMA hand wraps that protect a competitor's fingers, knuckles and wrists. Knee and elbow pads can also be used to protect the knees and elbows, respectively. MMA head guards and shin guards can also be used when deemed necessary.

To summarize, these MMA gears are all used either to cover or protect different body parts during the competition. Other gears and equipment that can be used either in competition and training are rash guards, standup gloves, ankle guards, head bands, gym bags and grappling dummies.


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