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Try To Outrun The Fashion Police

Fashion is a spicy topic today in media and among small groups. It has a powerful influence in appearance and slang, it even defines a country. Every culture determines their fashion statements and trends.

In fact, it controls what persons eat, where they visit, the latest informal expressions, clothing and hairstyles. The term manipulates individual's time and worship investment. That is to say, many spend time following the news and magazines, to see the latest trend.

Worship or magnifying the trends involve spending excessively or doing whatever it takes to pursue it. Once it loses that popularity flavor, trendsetters strive to either recreate or invent something new and followers emulate. The term is very addictive and even though fun, it sometimes causes harm.

Unbelievably, when someone says the word, many automatically think of women. This is not far from facts, but men also associate themselves with the term. Men strive to find the latest jackets, t-shirts, technology gadgets and games, while, women adore the trendiest hairstyles, dresses and wedding rings.

The term is often used as a positive information reservoir, where role models in blogs and celebrity television, describe to the public what is trendy versus opposite. For that reason, individuals keep abreast with the trend and become aware of the dos and don'ts. The media marketing team helps to also broadcast that relevant information, which may spread beyond one country.

Before one is aware, numerous cultures become a fan of the style. Shops take advantage of making money, by selling products related to the vogue, but only for a period. Once style fades, there is a possibility of reforming it at a later time.

Therefore, it involves a simple cycle and re-emergence of latest trends. A trend is hunted immediately, appears in the media which includes marketing, and then individuals imitate the style.

Musicians are also highly influential when it comes to setting trends. The various genres, ranging from rock n roll, rap, hip hop, and reggae, determine someone's mood and association. For example, persons who listen to reggae suggest to others their affiliation with a Caribbean country.

Likewise, many label rock n roll music lovers as wild and dark. Recently published popular music albums motivate persons to purchase. This helps them keep abreast and have a sense of belonging. Even though the style industry has positive features, it magnetizes drawbacks. These include the following:

Stylish men might get the title gay or homosexual. Previous generation beliefs are contrary to modern, where men were viewed as bread winners, aggressive and unconcerned about appearance. Any man, who appeared sensitive and invested time in how he looked, was classified as gay. Although fading, that concept still lives today.

Teenagers experience peer pressure. Teenagers feel the need to follow, in order to, be accepted by popular groups. If unable to their low-self esteem grows. This is especially, when influential teenagers tease them about their appearance.

Credit card expenses. Face facts, this is a money making venture. Enticing advertisements simply stimulate the imaginations and people fall for it.


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